2020-08-07 Update
3vs3 and 5FFA has ARRIVED you guyyyyss!! 💜 Honestly from the bottom of our hearts we thank everyone who has stuck by while we get this system just how we wanted it. We know it's taken longer than we perceived it might take but... If you've been here since the beginning you know that we like things to be as functional as we can make it before we release it. We're by no means perfect but we aren't lazy! SO WITH THAT, let's run the notes [:
Content Updates
[New] Custom Battlegrounds
Modes: 3vs3 & 5FFA
5 Minute Rounds
Dual Protection
Exploit Protection
Cheat Protection
Custom BG Features
Enter Queue with BG Button, easily accessible!
Reward NPC
Nice Map effects, walls, Team colors, Flags
Notifications when someone enters queue and how many in queue total.
[Info] Mechanics of 3vs3
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Battlegrounds...
Duration: 5 Minutes
Draw, means both teams are dead at the same time or the same amount of players were alive when the time is up.
Win/Lose are self explanatory here. You either bested the other team or you didn't.
Win = 20 HP
Lose/Draw = 4 HP
[Info] Mechanics of 5FFA
Duration: 1 Minute
Defeat the other 4 enemies, Last Man Standing wins!
Win = 30 HP
Lose = 0 HP
[New] Socketing System
Exchange NPC > Honorable Warrior
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Battlegrounds...
Elite Individual Costumes and Elite Set Costumes
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Battlegrounds...
Socket Essences
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Battlegrounds...
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Battlegrounds...
Socket effect mechanics are +1 ~ +5 to a single stat at a random chance.
Items with 3 slots or less can be socketed. Items can be overwritten, so Socket wisely!
[New] Enhanced Monkey Fist Card QUEST !!
Find Moco the Choco somewhere in Gonryun.
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php...
[New] Heavenly Dark Flame Costume QUEST !!
Find Squabble somewhere in Einbroch.
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Custom_Costumes...
Content Changes
[Info] Collector Kiki - August Costumes added, and July Costumes retired!
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Collector_Kiki...
Weight Enlargement Quest no longer requires a Bloody Axe.
Details -> http://wiki.xilero.net/index.php?title=Payon...
Prontera Treasure Chests no longer get killed when Payon WoE starts.
Oblivion Blade, now has 125 attack like it's Uber counterpart Lords Knife (100 -> 125)
Erroring item 5309 was removed off the game. (Unused but causing resources errors.)
All classes can now wear Beithir items (only Rebirth before)
Effect of Stormy Knight Card was removed in case someone still has one.
Prontera Kafra was moved to a more visible spot and saves correct Prontera coordinates now.
Rachel now has a full set of Utility NPCs
Bloody Branch Quest requirements dialogue corrected (500 -> 300)
Cheese Cake Gratin GvG cooldown was reduced (1.5s -> 1.2s)
Mastela Fruit GvG Cooldown was reduced (2.5s -> 1.2s)
Crimson and Indigo Bandage are no longer refineable.
EventGMs can now give out 50m Zeny Coins for event prizes (10m before)
EventGMs do now have a new command (@lc ,short for @localbroadcast)
EventGMs do now have a new command (@bc, short for @broadcast)
EventGMs do now have the command @ban
Removed Content
Effect of Porcellio Card (4337) is now removed and the card is no longer obtainable.