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- See Also: Server Information, General Customs
Utility Commands
- @commands - Displays a list of @ commands available to the player.
- @showexp - Toggles the display of experience gain messages.
- @showzeny - Toggles the display of Zeny gain messages.
- @showdelay - Shows or hides the red "Cannot use the skills" message.
- @noask - Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites.
- @who - Returns a list of online characters, with location.
- @who2 - Returns a list of online characters, with job classes.
- @go - Warps to predefined locations in major cities.
- @rates - Displays the server rates.
- @uptime - Show server uptime since last map server restart.
- @exp - Displays current levels and % progress.
- @time - Displays the local server time, along with day/night information.
- @warp <map> <x> <y> - Warps to the specified map.
- @jailtime - Displays remaining jail time.
- @request - Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the GM whisper system).
- @help <command> - Displays the help message for the specified command.
Item Commands
- @ii / @iteminfo <item name/ID> - Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops).
- @storage - Opens your Kafra storage.
- @autoloot <%> - Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs.
- @alootid <+/- item name/ID> - Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Can reset list with @alootid reset, can view list with @alootid list.
- @autoloottype <+/- type name/ID - Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type. Can reset with @autoloottype reset.
- @autotrade - Allows you continue vending offline, then logs off.
- @guildstorage - Opens your guild storage.
- @storeall - Places all inventory and equipped items directly into your Kafra Storage.
Monster Commands
- @mi / @mobinfo / @monsterinfo - Displays detailed information such as HP, EXP, and stats of the monster you specified.
- @whodrops - Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. (Only the highest drop rates are shown.)
- @whereis - Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns.
Duel Commands
- @duel <player name> - Initiate duel with another player.
- @invite <player name> - Initiate duel with another player.
- @accept - Accept a duel with another player.
- @reject - Deny a duel with another player.
- @leave - End and leave dueled match.
Battle Commands
- @changegm - Allows guildmaster to pass lead of your guild to another member.
- @changeleader - Allows the party leader to pass lead of your party to another member.
- @breakguild - Allows guildmaster to breaks the guild of the attached character.
- @partyoption - Changes party options for experience sharing and item sharing.
Homunculous Commands
- @hominfo - Displays homunculus stats in different formats.
- @homstats - Displays homunculus stats in different formats.
- @homtalk <message> - Command what the player's homunculus will say.