General Customs
Usable Changes
- See Also: Custom Items, Quests
Cursed Water - is now a Quest.
Bloody Branch - is now a Quest.
Convex Mirror - Detect the appearance of Boss Monsters on the map.
Christmas Card - Random Zeny of
1,000~10,000 ⇒ 50,000~1,000,000
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Shabby Purchase Street Stall License |
• Catalogs
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Window Shopper Catalogue |
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Bargain Hunter's Catalogue |
100% Refine Hammer (+5~6)
- Higher 100% Refines planned for the future!
Premium Ticket (3D)
Premium Ticket (7D)
Premium Ticket (30D)
- Donation exclusive area access, will broaden as we update our website!
Drop Changes
- See also: Castle Drops, Leveling Spots, Zeny Hunting
Treasure Box - Drops (52.50%) from Acidus in
Poison Bottle - Drops (100%) from Wooden Golem in
Yggdrasil Seed - Drops (60%) from Wooden Golem in
Gold - Drops (7%) from Wooden Golem in
Sunglasses [1] - Drops (4%) from Wootan Shooter in
Celebration Ring [0] - Drops (2%) from Wootan Fighter in
Old Purple Box - Drops (30%) from Dullahan in
Old Purple Box - Drops (30%) from Bloody Murderer in
Equipment Changes
- See Also: Quests
Angel Wing Ears
[0] ⇒[1]
Evil Wing Ears
[0] ⇒[1]
Elven Ears
[0] ⇒[1]
All Upper Headgears that come from the New Headgear Assistant have had slots changed from [0] ⇒[1]
Various Headgears in the Shopping Mall have had slots changed from [0] ⇒[1]
Custom Equipment
- See Also: Custom Items, Ultimate Demons, Quests
This we have much of, and they all have dedicated pages all to themselves.
Upper Headgears
Middle Headgears
Lower Headgears
Uber Items
Elite Weapons
Quest Armor
Miscellaneous Changes
- See Also: Quests
• Elemental Bullets for Gunslingers!
Card Changes
Golden Thief Bug Card [Shield] - Nullify
100% ⇒ 85% of all magic spells, including supportive skills, that target the owner at the cost of doubling SP Consumption cost when using skills.
Doppelganger Card [Weapon] - Enable faster Attack Speed
10% ⇒ 100% so long as the weapon to which this card is compounded is equipped.
Stem Worm Card [Accessory] - Every time you kill a Brute monster, there is a
1% ⇒ 7% chance of gaining a "Box of Storms".
Gargoyle Card [Accessory] - Every time you kill an Insect monster, there is a
1% ⇒ 7% chance of gaining a "Box of Thunder".
Custom Cards
- See Also: Custom Items, Newbie Center, Unholy Path, Shopping Mall, Donation, Quest Cards, Event Guides
Broken Monkey Fist Card [Weapon] - +5 All Stats
Broken Ghostring Card [Armor] - Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 30%.
Broken Golden Thief Bug Card [Shield] - Nullify 65% of all magic spells, including supportive skills, that target the owner at the cost of doubling SP Consumption cost when using skills.
Monkey Fist Card [Weapon] - +10 All Stats
Enhanced Monkey Fist Card [Weapon] - +12 All Stats (Quest)
Bloody Knight Champion Card [Headgear] - +10 All Stats
Envy Card [Accessory] - +35 AGI
Lust Card [Accessory] - +35 LUK
Greed Card [Accessory] - +35 VIT
Exile Card [Accessory] - +35 DEX
Faith Card [Accessory] - +35 INT
Event Cards
These are seasonal and make an appearance every so often throughout the year. Please follow along our Current Events so you don't miss a chance to grab some!
[E] Dustiness Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Wind Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Hode Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Earth Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Isis Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Dark Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Myst Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Poison Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Jakk Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Fire Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Marionette Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Ghost Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Marse Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Water Property by 35%. HIT +45
[E] Raydric Card [Garment] - Increase resistance to the Neutral Property by 25%. HIT +45
[E] Abysmal Knight Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Boss monster by 30%. HIT +10
[E] Anacondaq Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Poison Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Caramel Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Insect monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Drainliar Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Water Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Petite Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Dragon monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Hydra Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Kaho Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Earth Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Mandragora Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Wind Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Orc Skeleton Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Holy Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Santa Poring Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Dark Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Scorpion King Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Undead Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
[E] Vadon Card [Weapon] - Increase damage on Fire Property monster by 25%. HIT +10
Monster Changes
- See Also: Leveling Spots
All monsters have been modified with higher HP and sometimes stronger ATK/MATK to better accommodate the customs available to players. You'll see monsters with a minimum of triple the base HP, some mobs nearly 10x their base HP.
MVPs are double and some triple their base HP, coupled with some stat adjustments.
Custom Mobs
- See Also: Custom Monsters, Unholy Path, Endless Tower, World Boss
Monkey Fist
Bloody Knight Champion
Demon Slaves
Ultimate Demons
Skill Changes
Intimidate - Can copy certain Transcended class skills.
Removed Items
This list is rather extensive. We wanted the era of 2006~2008 RO to be as authentic as possible. So, buckle up.
- It should go without saying, but this is a Pre-Renewal server and so all Renewal gears and monsters are removed by default.
Removed Consumables [Show/Hide]
Bubblegum - Item drop rate increase by 100% for 30 minutes.
Removed Equipment [Show/Hide]
We'll make these as organized as we can. Most if not all of these are removed for balance or episode reasons. Remember the era we're going for is 2006~2008 with minor tweaks here and there.
It should go without saying, but this is a Pre-Renewal server and so all Renewal gears and monsters are removed by default.
Removed Weapon
Ice Pick [1] - An ice pick that's usually used for piercing solid ice or wood. Deals more damage depending on the target's Defense.
Assassin Dagger [1] - A dagger commonly used by Assassins.
Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3] - The blueish color blade is unimaginably sharp. When dealing physical damage there is a chance that for 5 seconds, you will completely bypass enemy defense. Enables use of Level 5 Frost Diver.
Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3] - The reddish color blade is unimaginably sharp. When dealing physical damage there is a chance that for 5 seconds, you will completely bypass enemy defense. Enables use of Level 3 Meteor Storm.
Violet Fear [2] - Has a chance of autocasting Lv. 3 Meteor Storm and/or Lv. 5 Frost Nova with each physical attack.
Brocca [0] - Increases damage inflicted on Neutral Property by 25%. Pierces Defense of its target.
Ahlspiess [0] - Ignores DEF of the target. Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 5 Pierce on the enemy when attacking. Increases damage done against DemiHuman monster by 10%.
Dragon Killer [2] - Pierces Defense of Dragon monster. Receive 10% more Experience Points from Dragon monsters.
Combat Knife [0] - Add a 10% resistance against DemiHuman monster, but increases damage received from Demon monster by 10%. Pierces Defense of DemiHuman monster.
Ice Pick [0] - An ice pick that's usually used for piercing solid ice or wood. Deals more damage depending on the target's Defense.
Balmung [0] - INT + 20, LUK + 20. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Garrison [1] - The engraving of its creator's name can be used by experts to authenticate this gun. HIT - 10
Removed Armor
Dragon Vest [1] - A vest crafted from the mane of a dragon. MDEF + 3 [+ Dragon Manteau] AGI + 5, FLEE + 15
Removed Shield
Stone Buckler [1] - Receive 5% less damage from Large size monster. [+ Odin's Blessing & Magni's Cap] STR + 2, DEF + 5, MDEF + 5 [Swordman Class] Additional DEF + 6
Valkyrja's Shield [1] - Add a 20% resistance against Water, Fire, Shadow and Undead Property. MDEF + 5
Arm Guard [1] - A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that is padded with a steel plate for increased defense and durability.
Platinum Shield [0] - Whenever you receive a Magical Damage there is small chance to reflect all offensive magic against you at 40% chance for 2 seconds. MDEF + 5
Orleans's Server [1] - A shiny round shaped steel plate used for serving foods. Reflect of all Magical Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it (Success Chance 5%). MDEF + 2 [+ Orlean's Gloves] Reduces casting time by 10%.
Thorny Buckler [1] - A rough shield with dozens of spikes. It seems that an aggressor would rather get hurt. MDEF + 2 [+ Bison Horn] Attack Speed is increased by 10%, Reflect 5% of all Physical Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Sacred Mission [1] - A symbolic shield, rumored to have been given from God to his messenger. INT + 2, VIT + 3, MDEF + 3. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Cross Shield [1] - A big and thick cross-shaped shield. STR + 1. Increases damage of Rapid Smiting, and Shield Boomerang by 30%, Increase SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
Magic Bible Vol1 [1] - A thick book which is full of unknown letters. It seems published in series. MDEF + 3, INT + 2, Add a chance of auto casting Stun on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Tournament Shield [1] - A shield designed to be used in jousting on horseback in tournaments, providing the best defense if used with a spear. ATK + 1% [Lord Knight Class] Attack Speed -5%.
Shield of Naga [1] - MDEF + 3. When receiving physical damage there's low chance physical damage will be reflected to the attacker for 5 seconds. The chance for the reflect rate is around 3% for each refine.
Neo Valkyrja's Shield [0] - Add a 30% resistance against DemiHuman monster. MaxHP + 5%. Add a 20% resistance against Fire and Water Property attacks.
Bradium Shield [1] - A solid shield crafted from Bradium. Increases ATK of Shield Boomerang by 60%. AGI - 1, MaxHP + 500
Removed Garment
Heavenly Maiden Robe [1] - A faint, transparent robe decorated with a beautiful pattern worn by celestial maidens when they fly through the heavens.
Pauldron [1] - A pair of heavy shoulder coverings that provide effective protection in combat.
Eagle Wing [1] - A robe which once helped the god Odin in escaping from a fatal threat. [+ Wing Staff] Increase Movement Speed by 25%.
Falcon Muffler [0] - A muffler owned by Freyja, daughter of Njord, that was often borrowed by Loki. Wearing it makes its wearer as nimble as a falcon in flight. Flee Rate + 15, Perfect Dodge + 5 [Odin's Blessing, Falcon Muffler & Fricco's Shoes Equip Set]
Undershirt [0] - Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable. MDEF + 1 [+ Pantie] AGI + 5, Flee Rate + 10
Undershirt [1] - Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable. MDEF + 1 [+ Pantie] AGI + 5, Flee Rate + 10
Valkyrian Manteau [1] - Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). [Mage, Archer, Acolyte Class] Perfect Dodge + 5. Increases Perfect Dodge by (upgrade level*2). [Swordman, Merchant, Thief Class] Reflect 5% melee damage back to enemies. Increases percentage reflect damage by (upgrade level*2).
Ancient Cape [1] - A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago. AGI + 1
Dragon Breath [1] - Reduces damage received from Dragon type monsters by 15%. [+ Dragon Slayer or Dragon Killer or Gae Bolg] Increases damage on Dragon monster by 5%.
Wool Scarf [1] - MDEF + 4 [Tidal Shoes & Wool Scarf Equip Set]
Rider Insignia [0] - AGI + 2 [+ Black Leather Boots] Increases Flee Rate + 10.
Rider Insignia [1] - AGI + 2 [+ Black Leather Boots] Increases Flee Rate + 10.
Ulfhedinn [1] - Whenever you receive a Physical Damage, there is a small chance to reduce all incoming Physical Damage by 20% for 2 seconds, but also reduces your MDEF by 20% during that 2 seconds.
Mithril Magic Cape [1] - MDEF + 3. Whenever you receive a Magical Damage, there is a small chance to reduce all incoming Magical Damage by 20% for 2 seconds, but also reduces your DEF by 20% during that 2 seconds.
Skin of Ventus [1] - MDEF + 2, Maximum HP + 200, Flee Rate + 10
Diabolus Manteau [1] - Reduces Neutral Property damage by 5%. Maximum HP + 100. Increases Physical Damage when facing Satan Morroc by 10%. [+ Diablos Boots] Maximum HP + 6%
Captian's Manteau [1] - Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 1%. MaxHP + 50. MDEF + 1.
Commander's Manteau [1] - Add a 1% resistance against Demihuman monster. Max HP + 50. MDEF + 1.
Sherrif's Manteau [1] - Add a 1% resistance against Demihuman monster. Max HP + 50. MDEF + 1.
Aspirka [0] - Reduces damage from melee attacks of all elements by 30%. FLEE + 30, MDEF + 5. Enables use of Level 1 Teleport. Cannot be refined, cannot be destroyed.
Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger [1] - Maximum HP + 5%. MDEF + 2. MATK + 1%. Increases damage against Fire Property monsters by 2%.
Leather of Tendrilion [1] - Increases 5% resistance from the monster to Water and Earth property attacks. Increases 5% resistance from Plant and Brute monster.
Musika [1] - MDEF + 3. Add a chance of auto casting Level 1 Heal on yourself when the user receiving physical damage. If you know a higher level of heal, you will cast that level instead.
Glorious Muffler [0] - HP + 5%. Add a 5% resistance against DemiHuman monster. [Glorious Shoes & Glorious Muffler Equip Set]
Nydhorgg's Shadow Garb [1] - Add a 7% resistance to all Elements. Increases Max SP by (Base Level / 3) + (Refine Rate * 10). When dealing physical damage there's a 1% chance that you'll recover 1% of your damage as SP. MDEF + 3
Removed Footgear
Removed Accessory
Lesser Elemental Ring [0] - A ring that holds the power of lesser elemental spirits, but its true effect is unknown. All Stats + 1
Removed Cards [Show/Hide]
I'll list removed Mini/Boss/Custom mob cards first, making my way through to the removed normal mob cards.
It should go without saying, but this is a Pre-Renewal server and so all Renewal gears and monsters are removed by default.
Choco (Replaced by Monkey Fist) - Perfect Dodge + 5, Flee Rate + 10
Blood Knight Champion (Replaced by Bloody Knight Champion) - Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 1 Meteor Storm on the enemy when attacking.
Removed MVP Card
Memory of Thanatos - Deals more damage depending on the target's defense. Drain 1 SP from its owner on each attack. DEF - 30, Flee Rate - 30
Randgris - Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Dispell when attacking. Make compounded weapon indestructible (except in upgrade attempts). Increases Physical Attack Strength by 10%.
Ktullanux - Increases damage against Fire Property monsters by 50%. Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 10 Frost Nova on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
RSX-0806 - Can not be knocked back. VIT + 3. Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Garm/Hatii - Add a 50% chance of auto casting 'Freeze' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Turtle General - Increases damage inflicted on all enemies by 20%. Add a 3% chance of automatically casting Level 10 Magnum Break on the enemy when attacking.
Tao Gunka - Maximum HP + 100%.DEF - 50, MDEF - 50.
Incantation Samurai/Samurai Spector - Ignore normal monster's defense when attacking. Reduces natural HP recovery by 100% and drain 666 HP every 10 seconds. Drain 999 HP as the weapon is unequipped.
Kiel-D-01 - Reduces all skill's after-cast delay by 30%.
Lord Knight - Enables use of Level 1 Berserk. Maximum HP - 50%
Assassin Cross - Enables use of Level 3 Cloaking.
Bacsojin Card - Increases effectiveness of Healing skills by 30% when they are cast by the wearer.
Increases SP consumption by 15%.
MasterSmith - Add a 10% chance of breaking the enemy's weapon and a 7% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.
General Egnigem Cenia - Every 10 seconds, you recover 50 HP and 10 SP. Increases Maximum HP and Maximum SP by 10%.
High Priest - Every time you receive a Magical or a Physical Damage, small chance to auto-spell Level 1 Assumptio on yourself.
High Wizard - Ignores MDEF of normal monsters. Slows your casting time by 2x. Reduces SP regeneration rate by 100%. Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped.
Sniper - Reduces HP recovery by 100%. Add a 5% chance of gaining 20% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack.
Lord of The Dead - Add a 0.01% chance of auto casting 'Coma' on enemy when attacking. Add a 5% chance of auto casting Stun, Curse, Silence, Poison, Bleeding on enemy when attacking.
Bacsojin Card- Increases effectiveness of Healing skills by 30% when they are cast by the wearer.
Increases SP consumption by 15%.
Removed Mini-Boss Card
Gemini-S58 - [Base Agility >= 90] Add a 30% resistance against Silence and Stun. [Base Vitality >= 80] Add a 50% resistance against Stone Curse and Sleep.
Deviling - Add a 50% resistance against Neutral Property attacks. Receive 50% more damage from other property attacks.
Metaling - Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Strip Weapon on enemy when attacking.
Removed Normal Card
Egnigem - Every 18 Base INT, you gain 1 STR.
Armeyer Dinze - Add a chance of gaining 'Clam Soup' each time a Fish monster is killed.
Whickebine Tres - Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Strip Armor on the enemy when attacking.
Errende Ebecee - Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Pneuma on the user when the user receives Physical Damage.
Laurell Weinder - Inflict 3% more damage with Frost Nova and Storm Gust. -50 SP when unequipped.
Kavach Icarus - Flee Rate + 10 [When compounded into an item with refine rate of 0~4] Additional Flee Rate + 10. Perfect Dodge + 1
Remover - Maximum HP +800, decreases with the Refine Rate. HP Recovery +10%
Seyren Windsor - STR - 6, Increase STR by an amount equal to the refine rate of the equipment this card is compound on.
Eremes Guile - Critical Rate + 10 on DemiHuman monster.
Howard Alt-Eisen - HIT + 30, Decreases Attack Speed by 5%.
Margaretha Sorin - Add a 15% chance of auto casting Level 5 Lex Divina on an enemy when the user receives Magical Damage. INT + 1
Kathryne Keyron - Reduce Casting Time by 1% per Refine Level of the equipment this card is compounded on. [Refine Rate +9 or higher] MATK + 2%
Cecil Damon - HIT - 30, Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Iron Fist - Receive 10% more Experience Points from Formless monsters. In a shared-party, any member can kill the Formless monster, but only the wearer will get the extra EXP. Receive 20% more damage from Formless monster.
Tatacho - Decreases damage from Neutral Property by 20%. Increases damage dealing to Neutral Property by 5%.
Demon Pungus - 20% chance to cast Sleep on Enemy when the user receives Physical Damage
Skel Prisoner - 10/30% chance to cast Sleep on Enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Nightmare Terror - Add a 3% chance of auto casting 'Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Disguise - Add a 3% chance of auto casting 'Silence' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage
Wraith Dead - Add a 6% chance of auto casting 'Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Rybio - Add a 3% chance of auto casting Stun on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Pest - Add a 3% chance of auto casting 'Stone Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Majorous - Add a 6% chance of auto casting Stun on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Brilight - Add a 6% chance of auto casting 'Silence' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Sasquatch - Has a 6% chance of Freezing an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Kraben - Add a 6% chance of auto casting 'Blind' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Creamy Fear - Add a 6% chance of auto casting 'Confusion' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Flame Skull - Add a 30% resistance against Stun, Curse, Blind, Stone Curse. Add a chance of auto casting Stun, Curse, Blind, Stone Curse when the user receives Physical Damage.
Karakasa - Add a 3% chance of auto casting 'Confusion' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Green Maiden / Chunge E - LUK - 5, Increase LUK and Critical Rate + 1% per Refine Level of the equipment this card is compounded on.